Volunteer Coordinator Michelle “with two Ls” Curcio

We are excited to introduce our Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle “with two Ls” Curcio. We have found she has a passion for this position, experience and a beautiful personality! We are so lucky to have her. We asked her a few questions to help you get to know her.

Favorite treat at the end of a race: Beer! I’ve also been known to want to sign up for an event just for the post-race lasagna dinner.

Favorite trail food: dried mango and fig bars
Started running: I was in track in high school, but I didn’t start long distances until I had kids. I was pregnant when I signed up for my first long distance run, a marathon. I ran Chicago Marathon 5 months after I gave birth!

First trail race: Hateya Run in Petrified Springs Park. There was a segment where you go through Pike River at the end, and I fell in. I got to the finish, and a fellow runner/total stranger gave me his towel to dry off. That act of kindness was one of many things that drew me to trail running.

Kids/Spouse: I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Jeff, for 15+ years now, and we have two daughters, Morgan is 13 and Jessa is almost 10.

What I like about volunteering/crewing: My sister is a big trail runner, and I got involved in crewing for her at some pretty cool events. My favorite part is taking their minds off difficult parts of the race by being totally silly. For one of her first ultras, I made huge signs for each aid station that we could go to. They were everything from funny puns to quotes from her favorite movies. She still has them plastered up in her basement! I’m glad I can brighten someone’s day and show my support for such amazing feats of strength the athletes go through!

Michelle “with two Ls” Curcio
